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EYE ON THE BACK AND AN IRONIC LAUGHTER IN THE CANTO DA MOUTH is a kind of crossing, in an Atlantic and counter-hegemonic sense, where the body is at the same time the locus of difference and critical annunciation. Between imaginaries, fictions and layers of stories, it interrogates the logics and relationships that produce "the similar" and "the others". Some people re-imagine it. There are those who question. There are those who face the contradictions and regain some sense of wholeness.


Conception and interpretation: Luciane Ramos-Silva
Tease: Amara T. Smith
Soundtrack: NOISEstudio
Costume designer: Julia Martins
Light: Juliana Jesus / Dede Ferreira
Production: Otávio Bontempo/



Concepção e interpretação: Luciane Ramos-SilvaProvocadora: Amara T. Smith

Trilha sonora: NOISEstudio

Figurino: Julia Martins

Luz: Juliana Jesus/ Dedê Ferreira

Produção: Otávio Bontempo/

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